I am walking the distance for their right to be safe!
As one of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s closest supporters, on Thursday 27 April – Sunday 30 April 2023 I am trekking 46-kilometre through the Three Capes Lodge Walk in Tasmania.
I have committed to raising a minimum of $3,000 to support the work of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in keeping children and young people free from violence and trauma wherever they live, learn and play.
You can sponsor me and leave a message by clicking the donate button above. Thank you for your generosity.
My Updates

Happy 2023!
Tuesday 17th Jan Please join me in starting the new year by making a contribution to the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. The Foundation is all about our kids and upholding their rights. Their right to be safe at home, at play, at school, the right to be seen and heard and valued, the right to go online without abuse, the right to sleep without fear, the right to heal, to grow and more. The Foundation achieves this ambition through its care, advocacy and prevention programs which your donation will contribute to. ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Rebecca Kardos

Michael Hutchinson
Well done Bec, fantastic cause.


Mark Collette
Fantastic cause

Anna H
Thanks for inspiring donations to such a worthy cause!

Jodie Haydon
Go Bec! Have an amazing time. I'll come with you next time :)


Sean Carroll

Good luck Bec, a wonderful cause.

Leoni Sonnenberg
Hope you have a fabulous walk with wonderful weather. Enjoy the shower at the middle lodge!

Sarah Ogilvie
Go Bec!!!

Kris Roorda
Good on you Bec!

Good work Bec. Goodluck with the trek.

George Theo
A great cause and happy to support

Nigel Clark
Well done Rebecca on supporting such a worthy cause.

Paul Edwards

Jess Padman

Simon Davey
Amazing effort Bec; very well done on both the walk and fundraising.


Mark Brownfield
Smash it out Bec!

Great work Bec !

Suzanne Hammond
You. Are. The. Best. Thank you so much for helping us do the work we need to do. Go well, have a bunch of fun, and if you can’t find a donkey to help you out, find a camel. Suz xxx