Terms and conditions
We know you are excited to start fundraising for us but before you start planning it is important that you read through the guidelines below.
Authority to fundraise
All community fundraisers must complete the online registration form at fundraise.amf.org.au to obtain a letter of Authority to Fundraise.
Once your application has been approved, a letter of Authority to Fundraise will be issued by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation. This letter is required as proof of activity when applying for a licence or permit, seeking sponsorship from the community, or during fundraising.
You must immediately notify the Foundation of any changes to the approved fundraising activity and seek re-approval.
Failure to comply with the terms and conditions may result in withdrawal of permission to fundraise on behalf of the Foundation.
Financial and Legal
As a community fundraiser on behalf of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, the fundraising activity is your financial responsibility. No expenses are to be incurred in the name of the Foundation. It is the responsibility of all Foundation fundraisers to ensure that their fundraising event or activity meets all state and federal legislative requirements, including obtaining the appropriate permits and/or licences.
Please refer to your local state or territory website for all fundraising legislation at www.nfplaw.org.au/fundraising
Community fundraisers must provide a copy of all financial records relating to the activity to the Foundation upon request. You must seek approval for all marketing collateral created to promote the approved fundraising activity.
In addition to abiding by all relevant state and federal legislation, all community fundraisers must agree to conduct themselves and the fundraising activity with decency, dignity and honesty, and not bring the Foundation into disrepute.
In particular the Alannah & Madeline Foundation requires:
- responsible service of alcohol at events
- drug-free events
- no illegal activity
- no promotion or undertaking of any form of violence.
The Foundation reserves the right to withdraw approval of a fundraising activity if it is found to have breached these requirements.
In relation to enquiries and/or complaints regarding the approved activity, you agree to:
- immediately inform the Foundation
- work together to respond to the enquiry or complaint in a timely manner with the Foundation’s procedures.
The Alannah & Madeline Foundation Code of Conduct must also be read and agreed as part of the online registration process.
The Foundation’s values include:
- caring
- friendliness
- valuing difference
- including others
- respect
- responsibility.
We ask that our community fundraisers share and display these values.
The Foundation reserves the right to withdraw approval of a fundraising activity if these values are not being reflected.
Use of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s name and logo
Community Fundraisers may only use the Alannah & Madeline Foundation Community Supporter logo supplied by the Foundation and only for the specific use stipulated in your fundraising registration.
In addition, logo use is subject to the following conditions:
- all marketing collateral must be approved by the Foundation
- authorisation is restricted to the period specified in your letter of Authority to Fundraise
- logo use must be in accordance with the style guide provided by the Foundation.
Promotional materials
Promotional materials supplied by the Foundation may only be used for the approved fundraising activity.
Media and promotion
All media and public relations plans must be approved by the Foundation, where the Foundation’s brand is being used. All media releases must also be submitted for approval from the Foundation before release, print or publication.
A minimum of five working days are required for all sign off processes.
Age of fundraisers
The Foundation requires written consent from a parent or guardian for all fundraisers under the age of 18 years.
Community fundraising activities are not covered by the Foundation’s insurance including public indemnity, workers’ compensation for workers, and personal accident insurance for volunteers and third party property insurance.
As a community fundraiser, it is your responsibility to organise your own insurance cover. The Foundation will not be held responsible for any damages as a result of the approved fundraising activity.
Donation tins
The Foundation may agree to supply donation tins for use at your event. You must agree to:
- only use the supplied donation tins
- ensure the donation tins are kept secure
- report any lost or stolen tin to the Foundation immediately
- use the donation tins only for the purposes of the approved activity
- return the donation tins to the Foundation within two weeks of the end of the approved activity.
If you are depositing the money directly into the Foundation’s bank account, you must keep accurate records of the amounts from each tin and send to community@amf.org.au
If you require a speaker from the Foundation for your approved activity, please give the Foundation as much advance notice as possible. The Foundation receives many requests for speakers and will endeavour to provide a speaker if available.
The community fundraiser agrees to cover all reasonable costs (eg. ticket, meal costs) for the speaker.
There are strict state and territory legislative requirements to hold raffles. You must agree to:
- advise the Foundation of any plans to conduct a raffle in your application form
- consult with the relevant government body in your state or territory and complete all necessary requirements to obtain raffle licenses or permits
- provide the Foundation with proof of approval from the relevant state office
- provide any promotional material including raffle tickets, to the Foundation for approval as above.
Face-to-face fundraising
Face-to-face fundraising is any fundraising activity that takes place in a public space, eg. outside, school, workplace, shopping centres, etc.
To be able to conduct face-to-face fundraising, you must obtain fundraising permits from the relevant authority that manages the location of your activity, eg. councils, shopping centre management, churches, libraries, etc.
You must carry your letter of Authority to Fundraise at all times when raising funds in public spaces.
Tax-deductible receipts
To receive a tax-deductible receipt, the donation must be $2 or more and the donor must not receive anything in return, such as a ticket, gift or prize.
The person that makes the gift (the donor) is the person who can claim a deduction.
For more information about tax-deductible receipts, please visit https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Income-and-deductions/Deductions-you-can-claim/Other-deductions/Gifts-and-donations/