“These boots were made for walking, and that’s just what I’ll do…” walking for their right to be safe!
Over three days in April ‘23 (27th-30th) I am trekking 46 kms in Tasmania, on the Three Capes Lodge Walk.
It’s a challenge event fundraiser for the Alannah & Madeline Foundation (and if you know me, you’ll know that it sure will be a challenge for me!).
I’m promising to raise a minimum of $3,000 to support our work, keeping children and young people free from violence and trauma wherever they live, learn and play.
I would be EVER SO grateful for your support – please sponsor me! Just click the donate button above (and please leave me a message & some helpful hints on how to make it that far?!)
My family’s comment was “you talk the talk, now walk the walk” (I didn’t think it was as funny as they did!)
Seriously though, I would very much appreciate your help in raising these funds, to help us keep children safe and strong.
Thank you for your generosity.
My Updates

Tassie Trek challange...
Wednesday 1st Mar

Monday 13th Feb
Thank you to my Sponsors

Sarah's Feet

Wilson Security Tas Trek Team
Thank you Sarah and all participants in the 3 Capes Walk - what a wonderful experience we shared for a fantastic cause.

Juliette Ward

Ryan Liddell
Great work Sarah - beautiful walk!

Go Sarah - eyes on the prize!

Andrew & Beatrice Hughes-vanderstichele
You’ll have a ball whilst doing something so worthwhile! And the lodges at the end of each day are bound to keep you going! 🥾🥾🥾

Sarah Hosking
So proud of you my friend and I love this cause. Enjoy! X

Amy Coote
You are amazing Sarah! You've got this 👊 xoxo ❤️

David Spriggs
Go Sarah!

Patrick Forth
Go for it, Sarah! Patrick

Kate Siebert

Eve Korytkowski
Thank You for being such an inspiration and happy walking!

Isabelle Hughes

Victoria Bb
Those feet were made for walking ,those legs for dancing and your amazing self for helping others xx

Sarah's Hands
Do we have to go too...?

Richard Dent
Wonderful leadership Sarah

Cheryl Erskine
Wonderful cause and the scenery will be spectacular

It’sa beautiful way to spend three days!

Charlotte Keating
Great work Sarah! Can’t wait to see the photos!!

Use poles!!

Robert Mc Kevitt
Go Sarah!

Launa Inman
Have a fabulous walk

Greg Watson
Looking forward to catching up as we tackle the trek

Elana Rubin
Love the furry slides oops hiking boots !

Kim Mitchell
Go Sarah! Such a worthy cause and I’m sure your feet were made for walking!

Maree Davidson
Great effort for a non-sporty gal!

Dean Berry
Such a great cause. Sending you all our best wishes for your walk.. especially in those fluffy slippers! Xxx

For all the lunches.

Martin Murley
Great initiative Sarah - good walking!

Scott Gordon

Mary Sanderson
Well done Sarah! Everything you tackle in life is always filled with such energy and passion. You are truly one of life’s angels. Lmxox

Go well… take lots of photos…

Helen Clayfield
Remember to take bandaids!!!

John William Siebert
Good luck the air is fresh down there

Vanessa Meachen
Go you, Sarah! I hope it’s an amazing experience, for a great cause.

Katrione Young
Go Sarah, you’re an inspiration. Much love Kats


Patti & David
Hope you have that Suzie Q playlist ready!! Good Luck!

Susan Middlemiss
Those boots are made for walking … and that’s just what they’ll do …. Great effort Sarah! Xx

Laura Siebert
Go mum!!! Always an inspiration

Go Sarah, you've got this! Don't forget to pack your Hydrolyte and walking polls...oh and a warm beanie 😀

Matt Romania
Go Sarah!! 🎉

Suzanne Hammond
Just one step at a time... multiplied by about 46,000,000. You'll smash it Sarah!!

Suz Hammond
Loved my calamari…. Here's my repayment :) Go well, one of my favourite humans!!! You have got this!!

Proud to know you!

Rebecca Davies
Ha you made us walk at least 40km around Paris, just a few wee hills Mo. Xx
I'm feeling a tad nervous about this!