Help us continue our fight to keep children safe.

Join the fight and be a driving force for a brighter tomorrow.

At the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, we believe that all children and young people have the right to be safe. Safe in their homes, in their communities, and safe when they go online.  

But the laws and decisions made by policymakers, industry, and business don’t always have the best interests of children at heart. That’s why we are working every day to actively engage these groups to hold them accountable and make sure children’s voices are heard and listened to.  

Our key focus areas are:

  • Gun Safety – keeping our gun laws responsible, safe and strong.  
  • Children’s online safety – helping children stay safe online and beyond 
  • Children as victims of crime – ensuring children have access to support services to heal, recover and thrive.  

Only when children and young people are safe is their best future possible. It’s their right. It’s our reason. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help.  

Donate today and together we can continue to fight for the right of children to be safe, so their futures are strong.  

This important work is 100% funded by your generous donations

Let's fight to keep children safe

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2. I consent to the Foundation collecting, using and disclosing my personal information in accordance with this notice.

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Learn more about our advocacy work

At the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, we believe all children have the right to be safe and that each child should have an equal chance to grow up happy, hopeful and strong. 

Through our Advocacy programs, we hold policymakers, law enforcement, industry, and community organisations to account, ensuring that children's voices are heard and listened to.

Help children and young people live free from violence and trauma.